Yard No. 382 SULARA {Later ARALUS)
This yacht was designed by C.E.Nicholson and built in our Gosport yard in 1930 for Dr.Herbert S. French. She was an auxiliary bermudan yawl, built with teak planking on grown English Oak frames and Canadian Rock Elm Timbers. She was built to Lloyds Cross 18 A1 and was launched on the 26th June 1930.After the war she was re-named ARALUS and converted to sloop rig and in 1948 had a 4 Cylinder Meadows petrol engine fitted, this was replaced with a 4 Cylinder Perkins diesel in 1955 and then a 4 Cylinder B.M.C. 60 H.P. diesel in 1964. She was re-classed at Lloyd’s in 1966.
In 1999 she was bought by Mr Delaporta and brought ashore for a major refit including a new stem and deck, see pictures 2014.
Length Overall 59.16’
Length B.P. 50.80’
Length Waterline 43.66’
Beam 12.0’
Draft 8.0’
Thames Measurement 30 T.M.
Official Number 160940
Machinery( Original ) 4 Cylinder Gardner Petrol Motor 4 S C.S.A.
Known Owners
1930 – 1933 SULARA Dr. Herbert S. French Portsmouth
1933 – 1938 SULARA W.L.Horbury & W.L.Horbury Jun.Portsmouth
1938 – 1938 ARALUS W.L.Horbury Jun. Portsmouth
1938 – 1939 ARALUS E.Gore Lloyd Portsmouth
Not Known
1947 – 1956 ARALUS H.R.White Portsmouth
1956 – 1970 ARALUS Mike Maris Portsmouth -Greece
1970 – 1975 ARALUS Vlassis Darzentas Greece
1999 ARALUS Ariel Oren Tel-Aviv
1999 – 2014- ARALUS TheoDelaporta Markopoulo Mesogia Greece